Do you represent a multifamily housing, apartment or rental owner association? Is your association currently offering on-line rental forms? Rentegration can create new revenue for your association while providing a quality product to your members and customers by putting your forms on our system. If your assocaition doesn't currently provide rental and lease forms, let Rentegration provide them for you. If you'd rather have your rental forms delivered by a website branded to your apartment association, let Rentegration build, host and support the site for you. Rentegration.com Association Promo |
Rentegration.com is a valuable affliate for Rental Housing Association of Greater Portland by providing RHA’s members and all landlords easy access to RHA’s rental forms online. Not only do they provide a useful tool to rental owners and managers, we have found their staff to be helpful and genuinely interested in our needs as an organization. I use Rentegration for my own property management business and find it to be extremely helpful and easy to learn -- and at a great price. Does your company currently offer an on-line service to the multifamily and rental housing industry? Are you interested in an opportunity to generate revenue for your company by providing an opportunity for your customers to access unlimited state specific rental forms? Connect with Rentegration.com and become and affiliate. We'll work with you to allow integration of our software with yours to make our mutual clients lives easier. |